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Video Surveillance

Video Surveillance for California Cannabis Dispensaries and Grow Facilities

Staying ahead of the competition in the fast-paced cannabis industry requires keeping pace with legal compliance issues. Video surveillance is where compliance begins.

Could Partnering with a Video Surveillance Specialist Help You Get Ahead of the Field of Competition?

Even though medical marijuana laws and regulations differ from state to state, there is one critical thing each has in common. All dispensary and grow facility’s management must have a fully functional video recording and surveillance system setup and installed.

You don’t want the roadblocks and hassles of government oversight and shutdowns over non-compliance. We don’t want that for you either. Our video surveillance professionals work tirelessly to ensure that your systems meet or exceed the expectations set by the state and are ready to meet the requirements of the next round of legislation that will be levied on the industry.

So, by partnering with Veo Verde’s video surveillance specialists, you can keep doing business while your competition scrambles to keep up with the basics of doing business in this new regulated environment.

What Does Veo Verde Do in the Video Surveillance Process?


Video Surveillance for the Cannabis Industry is More than Setting up Cameras and Recording Equipment

You’ve undoubtedly been in the business long enough to know that we’re not talking about the camera and recording system that you see at your local corner store. Cannabis retailers and grow operations have to function at a higher level. That’s where the Veo Verde consultants step into the picture.

Some of the advanced video surveillance elements that we help our clients implement and maintain are:


Video Surveillance for Dispensaries

A video surveillance system is used to monitor the dispensary, employees, and customers at all times. The correctly installed security system picks up all activity in these areas:


Video Surveillance for Grow Facilities

Grow operations and dispensaries have different video surveillance needs and use. Of course, there is always a requirement for perimeter and employee surveillance, but a video is helpful with the cultivation of the plants themselves as well.

The security systems keep an eye on your crops and the growing process. It records every plant, from seed to full bloom, so that you can guarantee the highest level while meeting industry quality standards. Through that process, you also gain a unique perspective into the hour by hour, day-to-day, and month-to-month operation of your facility with the live recorded footage.

Besides helping you comply with state laws and regulations, we’ll work to see that your vendor is the right fit for you, and guarantees you get the best possible security system that meets your unique needs.

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